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Translation meaning & definition of the word "referendum" into Latvian language

Vārda "referendums" tulkojuma nozīme & definīcija latviešu valodā





1. A legislative act is referred for final approval to a popular vote by the electorate

  • referendum

1. Tiesību akts tiek nodots galīgai apstiprināšanai vēlētāju tautas balsojumam

  • referendums

Examples of using

In any case, you need to vote "yes" in the February 100th referendum.
Katrā ziņā 100. februāra referendumā vajag balsot "par.
Kilby applied Emmet's theory to his investigation of the referendum held in Greece in 100.
Kilbijs izmantoja Emmeta teoriju, izmeklējot 100. gadā Grieķijā notikušo referendumu.
In any case, you need to vote "yes" in the February 18th referendum.
Jebkurā gadījumā 18. februāra referendumā vajag balsot "par.