I got quite a scare when they said you were in the hospital.
Man bija diezgan bail, kad viņi teica, ka tu esi slimnīcā.
This is quite a rainstorm.
Šī ir diezgan lietusgāze.
He's not quite satisfied.
Viņš nav gluži apmierināts.
I feel quite put out about it.
Es jūtos diezgan nomākts par to.
I live quite near here.
Es dzīvoju šeit diezgan tuvu.
I'm quite satisfied with Tom's answer.
Esmu diezgan apmierināts ar Toma atbildi.
It's quite clear that Tom is going to be late.
Ir pilnīgi skaidrs, ka Toms kavēsies.
That was quite an experience we had yesterday.
Tā bija diezgan liela pieredze, kas mums bija vakar.
That's not quite what I wanted.
Tas nav gluži tas, ko es gribēju.
The movie was quite good.
Filma bija diezgan laba.
Tom has quite a lot of money in the bank.
Tomam bankā ir diezgan daudz naudas.
The prices here are quite reasonable.
Cenas šeit ir diezgan saprātīgas.
The movie I saw yesterday afternoon was quite good.
Filma, ko redzēju vakar pēcpusdienā, bija diezgan laba.
Tom's a bit overweight, but formerly he was quite a good athlete.
Tomam ir nedaudz liekais svars, bet agrāk viņš bija diezgan labs sportists.
I'm quite innocent.
Esmu diezgan nevainīgs.
"You're here to pay your taxes?" "Not quite." "Gwonam! I thought you were on vacation!"
"Jūs esat šeit, lai samaksātu nodokļus?" "Nav gluži." "Gvonama! Man likās, ka tu esi atvaļinājumā!"
"Sometimes I can't quite get what comes over you. I wish I knew that!" "I wish I knew that, too."
"Dažreiz es nevaru saprast, kas jums nāk pāri. Kaut es to zinātu!" "Kaut arī es to zinātu."
Sometimes I can't quite get what comes over you. I wish I knew that!
Dažreiz es nevaru saprast, kas jums nāk pāri. Kaut es to zinātu!
For a pillow like this all men do yearn but that - quite frankly - is not my concern.
Tādam spilvenam kā šis visi vīrieši ilgojas, bet tas, godīgi sakot, nav manas bažas.
These birds seem to have been in there for quite some time. Some have even scratched obscene graffiti into their cages' bottoms.
Šķiet, ka šie putni tur ir bijuši jau labu laiku. Daži pat ir ieskrāpējuši neķītrus grafiti savu būru dibenos.
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