There was a brief pause and then the music began.
Bija īsa pauze un tad sākās mūzika.
The Greeks invented the comma, not for their literature but for their actors, to warn them to take a deep breath in preparation of an upcoming long phrase; thus a comma represents a pause.
Grieķi izgudroja komatu nevis savai literatūrai, bet gan aktieriem, lai brīdinātu viņus dziļi ievilkt elpu, gatavojot gaidāmo garo frāzi; tādējādi komats apzīmē pauzi.
There was a momentary pause in the talk.
Sarunā bija īslaicīga pauze.
He spoke for ten minutes without a pause.
Viņš runāja desmit minūtes bez pauzes.
After an awkward pause, Bill took her by the hand and dragged her upstairs.
Pēc neveiklas pauzes Bils paņēma viņu aiz rokas un vilka augšā.
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