He now has the password.
Viņam tagad ir parole.
Attention! Your new password and confirmation password do not match. Please confirm and try again.
Uzmanību! Jūsu jaunā parole un apstiprinājuma parole nesakrīt. Lūdzu, apstipriniet un mēģiniet vēlreiz.
I need the password.
Man vajag paroli.
I just changed my password.
Es tikko nomainīju paroli.
I don't know the password.
Paroli nezinu.
Tom entered the password.
Toms ievadīja paroli.
One thing Tom does that isn't very safe is that he uses the same password for every website.
Viena lieta, ko Toms dara, kas nav īpaši droša, ir tā, ka viņš katrai vietnei izmanto vienu un to pašu paroli.
Tom doesn't remember his password.
Toms neatceras savu paroli.
I shouldn't have used the word "password" as my password.
Man nevajadzēja lietot vārdu "parole" kā savu paroli.
The present password is "eosdigital".
Pašreizējā parole ir "eosdigitāla".
The password you have entered is invalid.
Jūsu ievadītā parole nav derīga.
Give the password.
Dodiet paroli.
We easily figured out the password.
Mēs viegli izdomājām paroli.
Check that your username and password are written correctly.
Pārbaudiet, vai jūsu lietotājvārds un parole ir uzrakstīti pareizi.
I just changed my password.
Es tikko nomainīju paroli.
Give the password.
Dodiet paroli.
Check that your username and password are written correctly.
Pārbaudiet, vai jūsu lietotājvārds un parole ir uzrakstīti pareizi.
The password is "Muiriel".
Parole ir "Muiriel".
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