What does this painting represent?
Ko šī glezna attēlo?
Tom is painting the deck.
Toms krāso klāju.
Is that an original painting?
Vai tā ir oriģināla glezna?
This painting is a good copy of the original.
Šī glezna ir laba oriģināla kopija.
This painting was painted in the 100st century.
Šī glezna gleznota 100. gadsimtā.
I hammered a nail into the wall in order to hang a painting.
Es iesitu naglu sienā, lai pakārtu gleznu.
He had a talent for painting.
Viņam bija glezniecības talants.
Tom wanted Mary to pose in the nude for his painting, but she refused to do so.
Toms gribēja, lai Marija pozē kailā viņa gleznai, taču viņa atteicās to darīt.
Tom added a few finishing touches to the painting.
Toms gleznai pievienoja dažus pēdējos pieskārienus.
I've been painting the ceiling.
Es krāsoju griestus.
This painting by Rembrandt is a masterpiece.
Šī Rembranta glezna ir šedevrs.
A leading specialist was brought in to authenticate the painting.
Gleznas autentiskuma noteikšanai tika piesaistīts vadošais speciālists.
An artist uses many tubes of paint to make a large painting.
Mākslinieks izmanto daudzas krāsas caurules, lai izveidotu lielu gleznu.
Uncle Vasya gave me a painting as a gift.
Tēvocis Vasja man uzdāvināja gleznu.
I'll go to France to study painting.
Es došos uz Franciju studēt glezniecību.
How old is that painting?
Cik veca ir tā glezna?
All he wanted was time to finish his painting.
Viss, ko viņš gribēja, bija laiks pabeigt gleznu.
He has an aptitude for painting.
Viņam ir glezniecības spējas.
He stood gazing at the painting.
Viņš stāvēja un skatījās uz gleznu.
That painting by Rembrandt is a work of art.
Šī Rembranta glezna ir mākslas darbs.
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