Tom has a low tolerance for pain.
Tomam ir zema tolerance pret sāpēm.
My pain is excruciating.
Manas sāpes ir mokošas.
Tom was racked with pain.
Tomu pārņēma sāpes.
Tom was in a lot of pain.
Tomam bija daudz sāpju.
Tom was in considerable pain.
Tomam bija ievērojamas sāpes.
Tom tried to ignore the pain.
Toms mēģināja ignorēt sāpes.
Good morning, friends, this is the programme "Life is pain!".
Labrīt, draugi, šī ir programma "Dzīve ir sāpes!".
"It pains me to look at you, Arthas." - "I'll rid you of that pain, old man."
"Man ir sāpīgi skatīties uz tevi, Artas." - "Es tevi atbrīvošu no tām sāpēm, vecais."
It hurt so much I could have screamed, but I gritted my teeth and bravely bore the pain.
Tas tik ļoti sāpēja, ka varēju kliegt, bet es sakodu zobus un drosmīgi iznesu sāpes.
The pain was worse than he could stand.
Sāpes bija sliktākas, nekā viņš varēja izturēt.
The pain was worse than he could stand.
Sāpes bija sliktākas, nekā viņš varēja izturēt.
As soon as she hugged him, he felt a severe pain.
Tiklīdz viņa viņu apskāva, viņš juta stipras sāpes.
I have a pain in my side.
Man ir sāpes sānos.
I was in great pain.
Man bija lielas sāpes.
I feel a pain here.
Es šeit jūtu sāpes.
The medicine didn't stop the pain.
Zāles neapturēja sāpes.
As wisdom grows, and so does pain.
Pieaugot gudrībai, pieaug arī sāpes.
Hydrotherapy is the use of water to relieve pain and cure illnesses.
Hidroterapija ir ūdens izmantošana sāpju mazināšanai un slimību ārstēšanai.
Revenge is a confession of pain.
Atriebība ir sāpju atzīšanās.
Searing pain bit through skin and muscle.
Sāpju dzirdēšana caur ādu un muskuļiem.
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