The administration is opposed to these new taxes.
Administrācija iebilst pret šiem jaunajiem nodokļiem.
Tom opposed the plan.
Toms iebilda pret plānu.
President Roosevelt opposed the decision.
Prezidents Rūzvelts iebilda pret šo lēmumu.
John Kerry opposed this idea.
Džons Kerijs iebilda pret šo ideju.
They opposed any further spread of slavery.
Viņi iebilda pret jebkādu turpmāku verdzības izplatību.
He's opposed to racial discrimination.
Viņš iebilst pret rasu diskrimināciju.
My parents are opposed to my sister marrying a foreigner.
Mani vecāki iebilst pret to, ka mana māsa apprecas ar ārzemnieku.
The Catholic Church is opposed to divorce.
Katoļu baznīca iebilst pret šķiršanos.
Mariko's parents are strongly opposed to her marrying an American.
Mariko vecāki stingri iebilst pret to, ka viņa apprecas ar amerikāni.
Every one opposed it, but Mary and John got married all the same.
Visi pret to iebilda, bet Marija un Jānis apprecējās vienādi.
Lincoln was opposed to slavery.
Linkolns iebilda pret verdzību.
Everyone opposed it, but they got married all the same.
Visi iebilda pret to, bet viņi apprecējās vienādi.
The consensus indicates that we are opposed to the proposed idea.
Vienprātība norāda, ka mēs esam pret ierosināto ideju.
He's opposed to racial discrimination.
Viņš iebilst pret rasu diskrimināciju.
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