The film received mixed reviews.
Filma saņēma pretrunīgas atsauksmes.
Now you've got me all mixed up.
Tagad tu mani visu sajauc.
She frequently gets sugar and salt mixed up.
Viņa bieži sajauc cukuru un sāli.
Continue stirring until the chocolate chips are mixed uniformly through the cookie dough.
Turpiniet maisīt, līdz šokolādes skaidiņas vienmērīgi sajaucas caur cepumu mīklu.
Did you know that if you mixed red and blue paint you obtained purple?
Vai zinājāt, ka, sajaucot sarkano un zilo krāsu, jūs ieguvāt purpursarkanu krāsu?
Relations between the Soviet Union and the western Allies were mixed.
Attiecības starp Padomju Savienību un rietumu sabiedrotajiem bija dažādas.
I have mixed feelings about this.
Man par to ir dalītas jūtas.
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