Mix two parts of rum with one part of lemon juice.
Divas ruma daļas sajauc ar vienu citronu sulas daļu.
I never drink tea with lemon.
Es nekad nedzeru tēju ar citronu.
Her facial expression was more sour than a lemon.
Viņas sejas izteiksme bija skābāka par citronu.
I have been looking for lemon juice all day long.
Visu dienu meklēju citronu sulu.
This is a lemon tree.
Šis ir citronkoks.
That's a lemon tree.
Tas ir citronkoks.
Tea with lemon for me, please.
Tēja ar citronu man, lūdzu.
What tea do you drink? Is lemon tea okay?
Kādu tēju tu dzer? Vai citrona tēja ir kārtībā?
There was some taste of lemon in the cake.
Kūkā bija zināma citrona garša.
The lemon has a flavor all of its own.
Citronam ir sava garša.
I have been looking for lemon juice all day long.
Visu dienu meklēju citronu sulu.
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