Jade Rabbit has landed in the Bay of Rainbows.
Varavīksnes līcī nolaidies nefrīta trusis.
Mary, come quick! A flying saucer has just landed in our garden.
Marija, nāc ātri! Mūsu dārzā tikko nolaidies lidojošs šķīvītis.
Curiosity has landed inside the Gale crater.
Zinātkāre ir iekļuvusi Geila krāterī.
The Mars Science Laboratory has landed on Mars.
Marsa zinātnes laboratorija ir nolaidusies uz Marsa.
Curiosity has landed on Mars.
Zinātkāre ir nolaidusies uz Marsa.
Tom landed his helicopter on the roof.
Toms nolaidās ar helikopteru uz jumta.
The airline announced that the plane had landed.
Aviokompānija paziņoja, ka lidmašīna nolaidusies.
The plane landed at 100 o'clock to the minute.
Lidmašīna nolaidās pulksten 100.
Christopher Columbus once landed on the moon, but mistook it for Antarctica.
Kristofers Kolumbs reiz nolaidās uz Mēness, bet sajauca to ar Antarktīdu.
The jet landed at Tokyo.
Reaktīvā lidmašīna nolaidās Tokijā.
The pilot landed the airplane in the field.
Pilots nosēdināja lidmašīnu uz lauka.
The bus landed us at the station.
Autobuss mūs nosēdināja stacijā.
Curiosity has landed inside the Gale crater.
Zinātkāre ir iekļuvusi Geila krāterī.
Curiosity has landed on Mars.
Zinātkāre ir nolaidusies uz Marsa.
Tom landed his helicopter on the roof.
Toms nolaidās ar helikopteru uz jumta.
The plane landed at 6 o'clock to the minute.
Lidmašīna nolaidās pulksten 6 līdz minūtei.
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