Tom turned on the small lamp on his bedside table.
Toms ieslēdza mazo lampu uz naktsgaldiņa.
I turned the lamp off and fell asleep.
Es izslēdzu lampu un aizmigu.
The sun is the torch, the lamp of the universe; if it is situated in the central region it's because this is the best place to illuminate the planets.
Saule ir lāpa, Visuma lampa; ja tas atrodas centrālajā reģionā, tas ir tāpēc, ka šī ir labākā vieta planētu apgaismošanai.
My sister didn't own up to breaking the lamp, instead she made up some story about aliens coming to Earth with the objective of destroying every piece of yellow furniture.
Manai māsai nepatika salauzt lampu, tā vietā viņa izdomāja stāstu par citplanētiešiem, kas ierodas uz Zemi ar mērķi iznīcināt katru dzelteno mēbeļu gabalu.
Not every lamp is magic.
Ne katra lampa ir maģija.
There is a lamp on the ceiling.
Uz griestiem ir lampa.
I bought an old lamp.
Nopirku vecu lampu.
The lamp went out, and all was black.
Lampa nodzisa, un viss bija melns.
The light of the lamp glimmered in the fog.
Luktura gaisma mirdzēja miglā.
I'm going to sit on the bench over there, next to the street lamp.
Es sēdēšu uz soliņa tur, blakus ielas lampai.
Tom turned on the table lamp.
Toms ieslēdza galda lampu.
Tom turned on the small lamp on his bedside table.