Tom could barely hide his smile.
Toms tik tikko spēja noslēpt savu smaidu.
The kitty is trying to hide from the rain.
Kaķēns cenšas paslēpties no lietus.
Either she's really doing well, or she can hide everything behind her smile.
Vai nu viņai tiešām klājas labi, vai arī viņa var visu paslēpt aiz smaida.
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.
Esmu tik sajūsmā un vienkārši nevaru to noslēpt.
Pharmaceutical companies hide information from the public about the safety of the medications they sell.
Farmācijas uzņēmumi slēpj informāciju no sabiedrības par to pārdoto medikamentu drošumu.
We need to hide the corpse.
Mums jāslēpj līķis.
Death is a disgusting thing that nature has to hide, and it does it well.
Nāve ir pretīga lieta, kas dabai ir jāslēpj, un tā to dara labi.
Tom says he has nothing to hide.
Toms saka, ka viņam nav ko slēpt.
I tried to hide.
Es mēģināju slēpties.
I'll hide it somewhere.
Es to kaut kur paslēpšu.
I'll show you where we can hide.
Es jums parādīšu, kur mēs varam paslēpties.
If you want to hide your face, walk naked.
Ja vēlies slēpt seju, staigā kails.
Why do you hide your thoughts?
Kāpēc slēpj savas domas?
Don't hide your face.
Neslēp savu seju.
Maybe Tom's got something to hide.
Varbūt Tomam ir ko slēpt.
There's nowhere for you to hide.
Jums nav kur slēpties.
Click me to hide this screen.
Noklikšķiniet uz manis, lai paslēptu šo ekrānu.
What did you hide?
Ko tu slēpi?
Tom had nothing to hide.
Tomam nebija ko slēpt.
However long you try to hide it, the lies will come out anyway.
Lai cik ilgi jūs mēģinātu to slēpt, meli tik un tā iznāks.
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