Tom put a gun to Mary's head and pulled the trigger.
Toms pielika Marijai pie galvas ieroci un nospieda sprūdu.
The history of some words is a real masterpiece. For instance, kaput. The original word was the Latin "caput" - "a head"; and the way from "a head" to "the end of everything" is rather long.
Dažu vārdu vēsture ir īsts šedevrs. Piemēram, kaput. Sākotnējais vārds bija latīņu "caput" - "galva"; un ceļš no "galvas" uz "visa galu" ir diezgan garš.
Maybe the voices in my head aren't right after all.
Varbūt balsis manā galvā tomēr nav pareizas.
I asked if she was cold but Liisa shook her head.
Es jautāju, vai viņai ir auksti, bet Liisa pakratīja galvu.
There's a bird on my dad's head.
Manam tētim uz galvas ir putns.
I just need some fresh air to clear my head and come to my senses.
Man vienkārši vajag svaigu gaisu, lai iztīrītu galvu un nāktu pie prāta.
The Russian language is a great thing. It seems that thing is too great for my small head!
Krievu valoda ir lieliska lieta. Šķiet, ka manai mazajai galvai lieta ir pārāk lieliska!
The infantryman had the rare opportunity to break his head against a tree.
Kājniekam bija reta iespēja salauzt galvu pret koku.
He lowered his head and began crying.
Viņš nolaida galvu un sāka raudāt.
While travelling on the train, I stuck my head out the window, and my cap flew off.
Braucot vilcienā, es izbāzu galvu pa logu, un mana cepure nolidoja.
In the sunlight my head started to spin, and I lay down to have a rest on the grass.
Saules gaismā mana galva sāka griezties, un es apgūlos, lai atpūstos uz zāles.
The fan is over my head.
Ventilators ir man virs galvas.
Tom bumped his head on the roof of the car.
Toms uzsita galvu uz automašīnas jumta.
Maybe Pinocchio's wooden head with its inbuilt high tech microchip has more intelligence than the rest of the world.
Varbūt Pinokio koka galvai ar iebūvēto augsto tehnoloģiju mikroshēmu ir vairāk inteliģences nekā pārējai pasaulei.
Let's head for that tall tree.
Dosimies uz to augsto koku.
Tom leveled the gun at Mary's head.
Toms nolīdzināja ieroci Mērijas galvā.
Tom has a level head in emergencies.
Tomam ārkārtas situācijās ir līdzens galva.
Tom has a lump on his head where he bumped it.
Tomam uz galvas ir kamols, kur viņš to sasita.
"Who is there?" she asked without raising her head. He remained silent.
"Kas tur ir?" viņa jautāja, nepaceļot galvu. Viņš klusēja.