How do you like my new hat?
Kā tev patīk mana jaunā cepure?
When Mary came by, Tom raised his hat.
Kad Marija ieradās, Toms pacēla cepuri.
Why don't you take off your hat?
Kāpēc tu nenovelc cepuri?
The man who looked through the window caught my attention because he had on the strangest hat I've ever seen in my life.
Vīrietis, kurš skatījās pa logu, piesaistīja manu uzmanību, jo viņam bija dīvainākā cepure, kādu esmu redzējis savā dzīvē.
I picked out the gray hat.
Es izvēlējos pelēko cepuri.
I don't like this hat. I prefer the gray one.
Man nepatīk šī cepure. man labāk patīk pelēkais.
You need a new hat.
Jums ir nepieciešama jauna cepure.
The hat is yours.
Cepure ir jūsu.
I see you've got a new hat.
Es redzu, ka tev ir jauna cepure.
The gentleman took off his gloves and top hat.
Kungs novilka cimdus un cilindru.
Is that my hat?
Vai tā ir mana cepure?
Tom has an old felt hat he always wears in the rain.
Tomam ir veca filca cepure, ko viņš vienmēr valkā lietū.
I lost my hat.
Es pazaudēju cepuri.
Don't go without a hat.
Nepalaidiet bez cepures.
He can't find his hat.
Viņš nevar atrast savu cepuri.
She is wearing a hat.
Viņa ir ģērbusies cepurē.
Don't go out in this heat without wearing a hat.
Neejiet ārā šajā karstumā, nevalkājot cepuri.
Tom wears a hat every day.
Toms katru dienu valkā cepuri.
Tom sometimes wears a hat.
Toms dažreiz valkā cepuri.
Tom brushed a bit of dirt off of his hat.
Toms no cepures notīrīja nedaudz netīrumu.
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