People say that the fox is more cunning than other animals.
Cilvēki saka, ka lapsa ir viltīgāka nekā citi dzīvnieki.
A fox doesn't need the bravery of a lion, a lion doesn't need the foxery of a fox.
Lapsai nav vajadzīga lauvas drosme, lauvai nav vajadzīga lapsas lapsa.
A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal.
Stūrī iespiesta lapsa ir bīstamāka par šakāli.
The hunter caught the fox.
Mednieks noķēra lapsu.
The hunter shot the fox dead.
Mednieks nošāva lapsu.
The hounds are in pursuit of the fox.
Suņi vajā lapsu.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Ātrā brūnā lapsa lec pāri slinkajam sunim.
They caught the fox with a trap.
Viņi noķēra lapsu ar slazdu.
The three animals tried to help the old man, the monkey using its ability to climb to collect fruit and nuts, and the fox catching fish in the stream to bring to him.
Trīs dzīvnieki mēģināja palīdzēt vecajam vīram, pērtiķim, izmantojot savu spēju kāpt, lai savāktu augļus un riekstus, un lapsa ķēra zivis straumē, lai atvestu pie viņa.
A fox came along.
Līdzi nāca lapsa.
The dog ran after a fox.
Suns skrēja pēc lapsas.
That fox must have killed the hen.
Tā lapsa noteikti nogalināja vistu.
That politician is an old fox.
Tas politiķis ir veca lapsa.
The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a fox.