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IPA : /fɑloʊɪŋ/
I called Tom the following morning.
Es piezvanīju Tomam nākamajā rītā.
The coach urged his team not to be complacent following their four consecutive wins.
Treneris mudināja savu komandu nebūt pašapmierinātai pēc četrām uzvarām pēc kārtas.
Write your answer into the following blue field.
Ierakstiet savu atbildi šādā zilā laukā.
We're following a narrow road.
Mēs ejam pa šauru ceļu.
Tom has a large loyal following.
Tomam ir liels lojāls sekotājs.
This took place on the following day.
Tas notika nākamajā dienā.
I think there's somebody following us.
Es domāju, ka kāds mums seko.
I haven't been following the news lately.
Pēdējā laikā nesekoju līdzi jaunumiem.
I was following you.
Es tev sekoju.
I didn't see anybody following us.
Es neredzēju, ka kāds mums sekotu.
I'm following you.
Es tev sekoju.
I'm following Tom.
Es sekoju Tomam.
I don't want you following me.
Es nevēlos, lai tu man sekotu.
Why are you following me?
Kāpēc tu man seko?
The government's anti-corruption tsar resigned yesterday following allegations of bribery.
Valdības pretkorupcijas cars vakar atkāpās no amata pēc apsūdzībām kukuļņemšanā.
Please correct the following sentence.
Lūdzu, izlabojiet šādu teikumu.
Stop following me.
Beidz man sekot.
Now it is true that I believe this country is following a dangerous trend when it permits too great a degree of centralization of governmental functions. I oppose this — in some instances the fight is a rather desperate one. But to attain any success it is quite clear that the Federal government cannot avoid or escape responsibilities which the mass of the people firmly believe should be undertaken by it. The political processes of our country are such that if a rule of reason is not applied in this effort,
Tagad tā ir taisnība, ka es uzskatu, ka šī valsts ievēro bīstamu tendenci, ja tā pieļauj pārāk lielu valdības funkciju centralizāciju. Es iebilstu pret šo —, dažos gadījumos cīņa ir diezgan izmisīga. Taču, lai gūtu panākumus, ir pilnīgi skaidrs, ka federālā valdība nevar izvairīties no pienākumiem, kas, pēc cilvēku masas, tai ir stingri jāuzņem, vai izvairīties no tiem. Mūsu valsts politiskie procesi ir tādi, ka, ja šajos centienos netiek piemērots saprāta noteikums,
The prefectural police is trying to find out what conflict took place between the father and daughter following the family dinner.
Prefektūras policija pēc ģimenes vakariņām cenšas noskaidrot, kāds konflikts noticis starp tēvu un meitu.
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