I'd like to fly there if possible.
Ja iespējams, es vēlētos tur lidot.
The game won't fly away, it's fried.
Spēle nelidos prom, tā ir cepta.
Ostriches cannot fly.
Strausi nevar lidot.
He wouldn't harm a fly.
Viņš nekaitētu mušai.
He wouldn't hurt a fly.
Viņš nesāpētu mušu.
Ostriches don't fly because they have very short wings.
Strausi nelido, jo tiem ir ļoti īsi spārni.
A penguin is a bird that cannot fly.
Pingvīns ir putns, kas nevar lidot.
Hedgehog is a proud bird. If you don't kick it, it won't fly.
Ezis ir lepns putns. Ja tu to nespersi, tas nelidos.
My grandmother can fly.
Mana vecmāmiņa var lidot.
A fly is as likely to land on shit as it will on pie.
Muša, visticamāk, piezemēsies uz sūdiem, tāpat kā uz pīrāga.
Your fly is open!
Tava muša ir atvērta!
I want you to fly to Boston tomorrow.
Es gribu, lai tu rīt lidotu uz Bostonu.
Birds learn to fly instinctively.
Putni iemācās lidot instinktīvi.
He knows how to fly a helicopter.
Viņš prot lidot ar helikopteru.
This bird can fly.
Šis putns var lidot.
Are you ready to fly?
Vai esat gatavs lidot?
Yeah, right, he'll get his act together. When pigs fly.
Jā, pareizi, viņš rīkosies kopā. Kad cūkas lido.
Tom says he wants to learn how to fly an airplane.
Toms saka, ka vēlas iemācīties lidot ar lidmašīnu.
If only I could fly!
Ja vien es varētu lidot!
Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters.
Pasaules karogi lepni lido Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas galvenajā mītnē.
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