Tom is working on something that needs to be finished by 100:100.
Toms strādā pie kaut kā, kas jāpabeidz līdz pulksten 100:100.
We knew that we were going to go in different directions when our school finished.
Mēs zinājām, ka, kad mūsu skola beigsies, dosimies dažādos virzienos.
Tom and Mary finished their meal and then went into the living room to watch TV.
Toms un Marija pabeidza maltīti un pēc tam iegāja viesistabā skatīties televizoru.
Carelessly stringing words and constuctions on each other, you receive a finished sentence that makes sense. Isn't that a miracle?
Neuzmanīgi stīgu vārdus un constuctions par otru, jūs saņemat pabeigtu teikumu, kas ir jēga. Vai tas nav brīnums?
I just finished breakfast.
Es tikko pabeidzu brokastis.
How much longer do you think it'll be until the job is finished?
Cik ilgi, jūsuprāt, paies līdz darba pabeigšanai?
Tom's part of the work isn't finished.
Toma darba daļa nav pabeigta.
The frame of the house should be finished in a day or two.
Mājas karkass jāpabeidz dienā vai divās.
I should've finished that sooner.
Man vajadzēja to pabeigt ātrāk.
I haven't finished yet.
Vēl neesmu pabeidzis.
I've finished.
Esmu pabeidzis.
We finished the work.
Darbu pabeidzām.
I'm finished now.
Esmu pabeidzis tagad.
I wasn't finished.
Es nebiju pabeidzis.
I almost finished.
Es gandrīz pabeidzu.
If I hadn't had your cooperation, I couldn't have finished the work in time.
Ja man nebūtu bijusi tava sadarbība, es nevarētu laikus pabeigt darbu.
I have just finished eating.
Es tikko pabeidzu ēst.
When he finished speaking, everyone was silent.
Kad viņš beidza runāt, visi klusēja.
I have already finished reading this book.
Es jau esmu pabeidzis lasīt šo grāmatu.
Have you already finished?
Vai esat jau pabeidzis?
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