Yesterday is already history, and tomorrow, a mystery. However, today is a present of fate, and presents are supposed to bring joy.
Vakardiena jau ir vēsture, bet rīt - noslēpums. Tomēr šodien ir likteņa dāvana, un dāvanām ir jārada prieks.
Loneliness is the fate of all outstanding people.
Vientulība ir visu izcilo cilvēku liktenis.
I know Tom doesn't believe in fate.
Es zinu, ka Toms netic liktenim.
The film relates the tragic fate of the slaves in the eighteenth century.
Filma stāsta par vergu traģisko likteni astoņpadsmitajā gadsimtā.
I don't believe in fate.
Es neticu liktenim.
He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.
Tas, kurš cenšas kontrolēt likteni, nekad neatradīs mieru.
You can't run away from your fate.
Jūs nevarat aizbēgt no sava likteņa.
My fate is in your hands.
Mans liktenis ir tavās rokās.
She had no choice but to accept her fate.
Viņai nekas cits neatlika kā pieņemt savu likteni.
He was reconciled to his fate.
Viņš samierinājās ar savu likteni.
I was forced to submit to my fate.
Biju spiesta pakļauties savam liktenim.
Our fate depends on your decisions.
Mūsu liktenis ir atkarīgs no jūsu lēmumiem.
It is no use quarreling with fate.
Nav jēgas strīdēties ar likteni.
A terrible fate awaited him.
Viņu gaidīja briesmīgs liktenis.
My fate is in your hands.
Mans liktenis ir tavās rokās.
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