Knowing how I would die would only make me anxious about the kind of situations I'd know I'll eventually die in.
Zinot, kā es nomiršu, es tikai satrauktos par situācijām, kurās es zinātu, ka galu galā nomiršu.
I think you might eventually change your mind.
Es domāju, ka jūs galu galā varētu mainīt savas domas.
Maybe eventually you'll decide you don't want to live here anymore.
Varbūt galu galā jūs izlemsiet, ka vairs nevēlaties šeit dzīvot.
She eventually got into the bad habit of smoking.
Galu galā viņai radās slikts ieradums smēķēt.
The thief is certain to be caught eventually.
Zaglis noteikti tiks notverts.
He worked so hard that eventually he made himself ill.
Viņš strādāja tik smagi, ka galu galā saslima.
The problem will resolve itself eventually.
Problēma galu galā atrisināsies pati no sevis.
Everything eventually gets easier with practice.
Ar praksi viss galu galā kļūst vieglāk.
I think you might eventually change your mind.
Es domāju, ka jūs galu galā varētu mainīt savas domas.
Maybe eventually you'll decide you don't want to live here anymore.
Varbūt galu galā jūs izlemsiet, ka vairs nevēlaties šeit dzīvot.
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