This is the worst earthquake on record.
Šī ir vissmagākā zemestrīce, kāda reģistrēta.
When he was just about to leave, an earthquake started.
Kad viņš tikko grasījās doties prom, sākās zemestrīce.
An earthquake can happen at any time.
Zemestrīce var notikt jebkurā laikā.
He was killed in the earthquake.
Viņš gāja bojā zemestrīcē.
After the earthquake, the land value in this area went down a lot.
Pēc zemestrīces zemes vērtība šajā teritorijā ļoti kritās.
No matter where you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake.
Neatkarīgi no tā, kur jūs skatāties, jūs varat redzēt zemestrīces radītos bojājumus.
Everywhere you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake.
Visur, kur paskatās, var redzēt zemestrīces radītos postījumus.
Unfortunately, three days ago a magnitude 100.100 earthquake struck off the Pacific coast of Japan's Tohoku region.
Diemžēl pirms trim dienām Japānas Tohoku reģiona Klusā okeāna piekrastē notika 100 100 magnitūdu zemestrīce.
Many people lost their homes after the earthquake.
Daudzi cilvēki pēc zemestrīces zaudēja savas mājas.
This earthquake took a hundred and fifty lives, as well.
Šī zemestrīce prasīja arī simt piecdesmit cilvēku dzīvības.
There was an earthquake yesterday.
Vakar bija zemestrīce.
Yesterday there was an earthquake.
Vakar notika zemestrīce.
According to the newspaper there was an earthquake in Mexico.
Kā vēsta laikraksts, Meksikā notikusi zemestrīce.
Many lost their homes after the earthquake.
Daudzi pēc zemestrīces zaudēja savas mājas.
If there’s a big earthquake, the house could really collapse!
Ja notiks liela zemestrīce, māja patiešām varētu sabrukt!
A big earthquake occurred in Tokyo.
Tokijā notika liela zemestrīce.
The city perished in the earthquake.
Pilsēta gāja bojā zemestrīcē.
The townsfolk were frightened by the earthquake.
Pilsētniekus nobiedēja zemestrīce.
Nothing is so terrible as an earthquake.
Nekas nav tik briesmīgs kā zemestrīce.
Many people were left homeless as a result of the earthquake.
Zemestrīces rezultātā daudzi cilvēki palika bez pajumtes.
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