We're on earth to look for happiness, not to find it.
Mēs esam uz zemes, lai meklētu laimi, nevis lai to atrastu.
Life on earth may be expensive.
Dzīve uz zemes var būt dārga.
The funeral procession reached the burial site, where a hole had been dug that smelled of fresh earth.
Bēru gājiens sasniedza apbedījumu vietu, kur bija izrakta bedre, kas smaržoja pēc svaigas zemes.
Why on earth are you still angry at me?
Kāpēc, pie velna, tu joprojām uz mani dusmojies?
The earth is a planet.
Zeme ir planēta.
What makes the earth spin?
Kas liek zemei griezties?
Tom wrote a book about a young man who, in the distant future, falls in love with an extraterrestrial girl, during an invasion of the earth.
Toms uzrakstīja grāmatu par jaunu vīrieti, kurš tālā nākotnē iemīlas ārpuszemes meitenē, iebrukuma zemē laikā.
The Dead Sea is the lowest place on earth.
Nāves jūra ir zemākā vieta uz zemes.
"Come back down to earth," she whispered into his ear.
"Nāc atpakaļ uz zemes", viņa čukstēja viņam ausī.
How can we save the earth?
Kā mēs varam glābt zemi?
Columbus suggested that the earth is round.
Kolumbs ierosināja, ka zeme ir apaļa.
From space, the earth looks quite small.
No kosmosa zeme izskatās diezgan maza.
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