As a rule, I don't drink.
Kā likums, nedzeru.
Tom stopped at a convenience store to get a drink.
Toms apstājās veikalā, lai iedzertu.
I offered Tom a drink of vodka, but he refused it.
Es piedāvāju Tomam dzert degvīnu, bet viņš no tā atteicās.
Tom took a sip of his drink and put the glass back on the table.
Toms iedzēra malku dzēriena un nolika glāzi atpakaļ uz galda.
Tom can't hold his drink and is usually legless after two or three.
Toms nevar turēt dzērienu un parasti pēc diviem vai trim ir bez kājām.
I'd like to drink a cup of tea.
Es gribētu izdzert tasi tējas.
Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it soon.
Tava tēja kļūs auksta, ja drīz to nedzersi.
Once you have completed your mission you can drink as much as you like.
Kad esat pabeidzis savu misiju, varat dzert tik daudz, cik vēlaties.
You have to drink and eat in order to stay alive.
Lai paliktu dzīvs, ir jādzer un jāēd.
She has to drink water.
Viņai ir jādzer ūdens.
You have to drink water.
Jādzer ūdens.
Would you care for a drink of punch?
Vai jūs rūpētos par punča dzērienu?
At five o'clock we drink tea.
Pulksten piecos dzeram tēju.
I want to drink one more bottle of beer.
Es gribu izdzert vēl vienu pudeli alus.
Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it soon.
Tava tēja kļūs auksta, ja drīz to nedzersi.
Whoever doesn't smoke or drink will live until death.
Kas nesmēķē un nedzer, tas dzīvos līdz nāvei.
Whoever doesn't smoke or drink will die healthy.
Tas, kurš nesmēķē un nedzer, nomirs vesels.
Eat some more of these soft French buns and drink some tea.
Ēdiet vēl dažas no šīm mīkstajām franču maizītēm un dzeriet tēju.
I will drink the coffee.
Es dzeru kafiju.
I will drink the tea.
Tēju izdzeršu.
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