

Meaning & Definition

The reduction or underestimation of the worth or importance of something, particularly in terms of currency.
The government's decision to implement a devaluation of the national currency was met with protests from economists.
A decrease in the value of a currency as related to other currencies.
After the devaluation, the country experienced a spike in inflation rates.
The act of lessening or diminishing the value of a particular good or service.
Devaluation of real estate can lead to significant financial losses for homeowners.


Early 20th century: from de- 'reduction' + valuation.

Common Phrases and Expressions

currency devaluation:
A specific term for the decrease in the value of a country's currency.
devaluation of standards:
Refers to the reduction in quality or importance of norms and values.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Drop in currency value.
After that devaluation, everything feels more expensive.
Loss of importance.
There's been a real devaluation of what it means to work hard these days.