Internal division within the Labor Party was one of the factors which led to its defeat at the recent election.
Iekšējā šķelšanās Darba partijā bija viens no faktoriem, kas noveda pie tās sakāves nesenajās vēlēšanās.
You will never defeat me!
Tu nekad mani neuzvarēsi!
It's just a myth that Rambo can defeat an army alone.
Tas ir tikai mīts, ka Rembo viens pats var sakaut armiju.
Rumors of defeat were circulating.
Klīda baumas par sakāvi.
Both victory and defeat are but an everyday occurrence to a soldier.
Gan uzvara, gan sakāve karavīram ir tikai ikdiena.
Victory and defeat aren't solely decided by the size of your army.
Uzvaru un sakāvi neizlemj tikai jūsu armijas lielums.
He admitted his defeat.
Viņš atzina savu sakāvi.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Daudz labāk ir uzdrīkstēties varenām lietām, izcīnīt krāšņus triumfus, kaut arī neveiksmes rūtaini, nekā ierindoties pie tiem nabaga gariem, kuri nebauda, ne daudz cieš, jo dzīvo pelēkajā krēslā, kas nezina ne uzvaru, ne sakāvi.
He is very strong--so much so that no one can defeat him.
Viņš ir ļoti spēcīgs - tik ļoti, ka neviens viņu nevar uzvarēt.
The Giants were well on the way to defeat.
Milži bija ceļā uz sakāvi.
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