It's too early to decide.
Ir pāragri lemt.
People can decide between me and you.
Cilvēki var izlemt starp mani un tevi.
In conclusion, the next step is to decide what we should do for the next step.
Noslēgumā jāsaka, ka nākamais solis ir izlemt, kas mums būtu jādara nākamajam solim.
You don't have to decide right now.
Jums šobrīd nav jāizlemj.
We have to decide today.
Mums šodien ir jāizlemj.
Why did you decide to study French?
Kāpēc nolēmāt mācīties franču valodu?
Can't you decide?
Vai jūs nevarat izlemt?
Maybe eventually you'll decide you don't want to live here anymore.
Varbūt galu galā jūs izlemsiet, ka vairs nevēlaties šeit dzīvot.
A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but who, as a group, can meet and decide that nothing can be done.
Komiteja ir cilvēku grupa, kas individuāli neko nevar darīt, bet kas kā grupa var sanākt un nolemt, ka neko nevar darīt.
But how are you going to decide what is important, and what isn't?
Bet kā jūs izlemsit, kas ir svarīgi un kas nav?
Let's see how the negotiations pan out before we decide.
Paskatīsimies, kā sarunas noritēs, pirms pieņemsim lēmumu.
Why did you decide to speak about that now?
Kāpēc jūs nolēmāt par to runāt tagad?
We'll decide it like men, bring the dice!
Mēs to izlemsim kā vīrieši, atnesiet kauliņus!
I can't decide which car to buy.
Es nevaru izlemt, kuru automašīnu iegādāties.
Schooling is a process that taught a vast crowd of people to read but wasn't able to teach them to decide what is worth reading.
Izglītība ir process, kas mācīja lielam cilvēku pūlim lasīt, bet nespēja iemācīt viņiem izlemt, ko ir vērts lasīt.
Did you decide?
Vai izlēmāt?
It's up to you to decide what to do.
Tas ir atkarīgs no jums, lai izlemtu, ko darīt.
Let Tom decide what you need to do.
Ļaujiet Tomam izlemt, kas jums jādara.
Tom can't decide what to buy.
Toms nevar izlemt, ko pirkt.
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