Tom kept his cool.
Toms saglabāja vēsumu.
Calm down and be cool.
Nomierinieties un esiet vēss.
I'm not cool enough to know of all those other bands.
Es neesmu pietiekami foršs, lai uzzinātu par visām pārējām grupām.
Tom is so cool.
Toms ir tik foršs.
Tatoeba is a cool and helpful website.
Tatoeba ir forša un noderīga vietne.
He's smart, cool and attractive.
Viņš ir gudrs, foršs un pievilcīgs.
I'll never be as cool as Tom.
Es nekad nebūšu tik foršs kā Toms.
The water in this brook is cool and clear.
Ūdens šajā strautā ir vēss un dzidrs.
I should've kept my cool.
Man vajadzēja saglabāt vēsumu.
That's pretty cool.
Tas ir diezgan forši.
Keep cool.
Saglabājiet vēsumu.
In the morning, the air is cool.
No rīta gaiss ir vēss.
That would be cool.
Tas būtu forši.
That is soo smart and also so cool all at the same time.
Tas ir tik gudrs un arī tik foršs vienlaikus.
I thought I would be nervous, but I was cool as a cucumber.
Man likās, ka būšu nervozs, bet kā gurķis biju foršs.
I like Harry, not as much as I like Draco of course, but still I think he's cool.
Man patīk Harijs, protams, ne tik ļoti, kā man patīk Drako, bet tomēr es domāju, ka viņš ir foršs.
That's very cool.
Tas ir ļoti forši.
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