Tom spends a lot of time cleaning his gun.
Toms daudz laika pavada, tīrot ieroci.
My wife is obsessed with cleaning.
Mana sieva ir apsēsta ar tīrīšanu.
Oh God. I'm not looking forward to cleaning the bathroom.
Ak Dievs. es negaidu vannas istabas tīrīšanu.
Tom finished cleaning the kitchen and then started cleaning the living room.
Toms pabeidza virtuves tīrīšanu un pēc tam sāka tīrīt dzīvojamo istabu.
I didn't want to spend any more time cleaning the kitchen floor.
Es vairs negribēju pavadīt laiku, tīrot virtuves grīdu.
For the lack of something better to do, Tom started cleaning his room.
Tā kā trūka kaut kā labāka, Toms sāka tīrīt savu istabu.
She's cleaning off the make-up.
Viņa tīra kosmētiku.
Stop eating in bed, I'm sick of cleaning up after you.
Beidz ēst gultā, man ir apnicis pēc tevis sakopt.
I spent the whole day cleaning up the room.
Es pavadīju visu dienu, sakopjot istabu.
After cleaning the windows, there always seems to be a visible trace of dirt.
Pēc logu tīrīšanas vienmēr šķiet, ka ir redzamas netīrumu pēdas.
He hates cleaning his room.
Viņam nepatīk tīrīt savu istabu.
He was cleaning his room.
Viņš tīrīja savu istabu.
We alternated in cleaning the room.
Mēs pārmaiņus tīrījām istabu.
I spent all yesterday afternoon cleaning my room.
Es pavadīju visu vakardienas pēcpusdienu, tīrot savu istabu.
What is the charge for cleaning overcoats?
Kāda ir maksa par virsjaku tīrīšanu?
Please pick up my dry cleaning.
Lūdzu, paņemiet manu ķīmisko tīrītavu.
I spent a whole day in cleaning up my room.
Es pavadīju veselu dienu savas istabas sakopšanā.
We've finished cleaning our classroom.
Mēs esam pabeiguši tīrīt savu klasi.
He hates cleaning his room.
Viņam nepatīk tīrīt savu istabu.
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