Sometimes a bright word comes suddenly, without any search, by itself.
Dažreiz spilgts vārds nāk pēkšņi, bez jebkādiem meklējumiem, pats par sevi.
Some people, looking at the bright Sun, seek for stains only.
Daži cilvēki, skatoties uz spožo Sauli, meklē tikai traipus.
The room is very bright.
Istaba ir ļoti gaiša.
A few seconds ago I was in the open air and the bright daylight, and now my eyes refuse to serve me in this darkness.
Pirms dažām sekundēm es biju brīvā dabā un spožajā dienasgaismā, un tagad manas acis atsakās man kalpot šajā tumsā.
The sky was so starry, so bright that, looking at it, one could not help asking oneself whether ill-humoured and capricious people could live under such a sky.
Debesis bija tik zvaigžņotas, tik spožas, ka, skatoties uz tām, nevarēja nepajautāt sev, vai zem šādām debesīm var dzīvot slikti humoristiski un kaprīzi cilvēki.
It's too bright.
Tas ir pārāk spilgti.
His cheeks were bright red.
Viņa vaigi bija spilgti sarkani.
Look on the bright side of things.
Paskaties uz lietu gaišo pusi.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Vienmēr skatieties dzīves gaišajā pusē.
The sun is bright.
Saule ir spoža.
I like bright colors.
Man patīk spilgtas krāsas.
The star is so bright that it can be seen with the naked eye.
Zvaigzne ir tik spoža, ka to var redzēt ar neapbruņotu aci.
She blushed bright red.
Viņa nosarka spilgti sarkanā krāsā.
Mary wants to paint her car bright blue.
Marija vēlas krāsot savu automašīnu spilgti zilā krāsā.
They like to wear bright colors.
Viņiem patīk valkāt spilgtas krāsas.
I see a bright future for you.
Es redzu jums gaišu nākotni.
Incidentally, that the gills of fish are bright red is because there are many 'capillary vessels' collected there, the same as for lungs.
Starp citu, ka zivju žaunas ir spilgti sarkanas, jo tur ir savākti daudzi ‘kapilārie trauki’, tāpat kā plaušām.