Give a man some bread, and he'll be full for a day. Give a man the name of Full, and he'll be full forever.
Dodiet vīrietim maizi, un viņš būs pilns uz dienu. Dodiet vīrietim vārdu Full, un viņš būs pilns uz visiem laikiem.
Which sandwich would you like, with honey or with condensed milk? - With both. Permissibly without bread.
Kuru sviestmaizi jūs vēlētos, ar medu vai ar iebiezinātu pienu? - Ar abiem. Pieļaujami bez maizes.
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all.
Es atgriezos un redzēju zem saules, ka skrējiens nav ne ātrajiem, ne stiprajiem, vēl ne maize gudrajiem, ne bagātība sapratnes vīriem, ne labvēlība prasmīgiem cilvēkiem; bet laiks un nejaušība notiek ar viņiem visiem.
Give me the big knife to cut the bread.
Iedod man lielo nazi, lai sagrieztu maizi.
Eat bread, drink water, you shall leave without grief.
Ēd maizi, dzer ūdeni, tu aiziesi bez bēdām.
I want bread and jam.
Es gribu maizi un ievārījumu.
Promises won't butter any bread.
Solījumi nesviest maizi.
I'm eating bread.
Es ēdu maizi.
The bread is baking in the oven.
Maize cep cepeškrāsnī.
The girl is eating bread.
Meitene ēd maizi.
The woman is eating bread.
Sieviete ēd maizi.
I tried baking bread for the first time, but it's dry and not tasty.
Maizi mēģināju cept pirmo reizi, bet tā ir sausa un nav garšīga.