I can't believe nobody has put this song up yet on all of YouTube.
Es nespēju noticēt, ka neviens vēl nav ievietojis šo dziesmu visā YouTube.
I don't believe a word you say.
Es neticu nevienam vārdam, ko tu saki.
I totally don't believe you.
Es tev pilnīgi neticu.
Don't believe everything you hear on the news.
Neticiet visam, ko dzirdat ziņās.
There are Russians who believe Russia is not taken seriously by the rest of the world.
Ir krievi, kuri uzskata, ka pārējā pasaule Krieviju neuztver nopietni.
Tatoeba is so fast! I can't believe it!
Tatoeba ir tik ātra! Es nespēju tam noticēt!
They say golf is like life, but don't believe them. Golf is more complicated than that.
Viņi saka, ka golfs ir kā dzīve, bet neticiet viņiem. Golfs ir sarežģītāks par to.
Maybe that's just what he wants you to believe.
Varbūt tieši tam viņš vēlas, lai tu noticētu.
The more people believe in some theory, the more is the probability that it's false. He who is right is alone in most cases.
Jo vairāk cilvēku tic kādai teorijai, jo lielāka ir varbūtība, ka tā ir nepatiesa. Tas, kuram ir taisnība, vairumā gadījumu ir viens.
Many people did not want to believe that this story was made up.
Daudzi cilvēki negribēja ticēt, ka šis stāsts ir izdomāts.
The police believe the victim knew his killer.
Policija uzskata, ka upuris pazina savu slepkavu.
There are a lot of people who believe that Tom really is a time traveler.
Ir daudz cilvēku, kuri uzskata, ka Toms patiešām ir ceļotājs laikā.
Why does no one believe me?
Kāpēc neviens man netic?
If you don't believe me, have a look yourself!
Ja tu man netici, paskaties pats!
Do you believe horoscopes?
Vai jūs ticat horoskopiem?
I believe you, but unfortunately Tom doesn't.
Es tev ticu, bet diemžēl Tomam nē.
The dumb masses believe that Mandela was a decent man.
Mēmās masas uzskata, ka Mandela bija kārtīgs cilvēks.
You may not believe it, but sometimes I want to give up everything and run away.
Tu varbūt tam neticēsi, bet dažreiz es gribu atteikties no visa un bēgt.
You can believe her.
Tu vari viņai noticēt.
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