I understand Tom salted away a good deal for his old age.
Es saprotu, ka Toms savām vecumdienām izsālīja labu darījumu.
My dog ran away.
Mans suns aizbēga.
Tom ran away when he saw me.
Toms aizbēga, kad ieraudzīja mani.
Go away from the window.
Ej prom no loga.
She passed away yesterday afternoon.
Viņa nomira vakar pēcpusdienā.
Do you really think you can get away with this?
Vai jūs tiešām domājat, ka varat tikt galā ar šo?
Tom jumped into the car and drove away.
Toms ielēca mašīnā un aizbrauca.
I'll have to resign myself to being alone while you're away.
Man būs jāsamierinās ar to, ka esmu viens, kamēr tu būsi prom.
We should get away from here.
Mums vajadzētu tikt prom no šejienes.
Hell no, boy! That's not how you say 'spaghetti'! Take him away!
Pie velna, zēn! Tā tu nesaki 'spageti'! Aizved viņu prom!
By the time I came, he'd gone away.
Kad es atnācu, viņš bija aizgājis.
"Here's the traitor, Your Majesty!" "Please, Your Omnipotence, have mercy!" "After you've scrubbed all the floors in Hyrule, then we can talk about mercy! Take him away." "Yes, my liege!"
"Šeit ir nodevējs, Jūsu Majestāte!" "Lūdzu, jūsu Visvarenība, apžēlojies!" "Pēc tam, kad esat iztīrījis visas grīdas Hyrule, mēs varam runāt par žēlastību! Aizved viņu." "Jā, mans liege!"
Let's go somewhere far away.
Dosimies kaut kur tālu prom.
Just do it right away or don't even bother talking to me again.
Vienkārši dariet to uzreiz vai pat neuztraucieties ar mani vēlreiz runāt.
She took my breath away.
Viņa man aizrāva elpu.
The doctor tore his tooth away with a pair of tongs.
Ārsts ar knaiblēm saplēsa zobu.
He took my breath away.
Viņš man aizrāva elpu.
Look away for a minute! I'm going to quickly change my clothes.