I can't imagine why you didn't attend the meeting. Did you have something even more important?
Es nevaru iedomāties, kāpēc jūs neapmeklējāt sanāksmi. Vai jums bija kaut kas vēl svarīgāks?
It's unlikely that Tom will attend the meeting.
Maz ticams, ka Toms apmeklēs sanāksmi.
Please attend my birthday party.
Lūdzu, apmeklējiet manu dzimšanas dienas ballīti.
I attend a public school.
Es apmeklēju valsts skolu.
The best lecture that you can attend is the one you won't understand.
Labākā lekcija, ko varat apmeklēt, ir tā, kuru jūs nesapratīsit.
I couldn't attend the party on account of illness.
Es nevarēju ierasties uz ballīti slimības dēļ.
She decided not to attend the meeting.
Viņa nolēma uz tikšanos neapmeklēt.
"Why are you going to Japan?" "To attend a conference in Tokyo."
"Kāpēc jūs dodaties uz Japānu?" "Apmeklēt konferenci Tokijā."
I'll attend.
Es apmeklēšu.
If you don't want to attend classes in the seminar on the topic "Fighting Corruption Inside the Enterprise", you can just pay 100 hryven' and receive the certificate.
Ja nevēlaties apmeklēt nodarbības seminārā par tēmu "Cīņa pret korupciju uzņēmuma iekšienē", varat vienkārši samaksāt 100 grivēnus un saņemt sertifikātu.
Due to my lumbago, I won't be able to attend Koizumi's party.
Lumbago dēļ nevarēšu apmeklēt Koidzumi ballīti.
You can't attend? Why not?
Jūs nevarat apmeklēt? Kāpēc ne?
I caught a cold. That is why I could not attend the meeting yesterday.
Es saaukstējos. Tāpēc es vakar nevarēju ierasties uz sanāksmi.
He didn't attend the meeting.
Viņš uz tikšanos neieradās.
I didn't attend his funeral.
Es neapmeklēju viņa bēres.
I got up early in order to attend the meeting.
Es piecēlos agri, lai piedalītos sanāksmē.
I could not attend the meeting.
Es nevarēju ierasties uz tikšanos.
I was unable to attend the party, nor did I want to.
Es nevarēju apmeklēt ballīti, kā arī negribēju.
Is it necessary for me to attend the party?
Vai man ir nepieciešams apmeklēt ballīti?
Do you know the reason why two-thirds of the students did not attend the student meeting?
Vai jūs zināt iemeslu, kāpēc divas trešdaļas skolēnu neapmeklēja studentu sapulci?