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Translation of "again" into Latvian
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IPA : /əgɛn/
"Ganon tried again and recreated everything: the Earth, light, Link, and Zelda — okay, this is bullshit!" "Read the—" "No, read it yourself! It's all shit to me."
"Ganons mēģināja vēlreiz un atjaunoja visu: Zemi, gaismu, Saiti un Zelda —, labi, tās ir muļķības!" "Lasiet —" "Nē, izlasiet to pats! Man tas viss ir sūds."
Everyone looked at Tom again.
Visi atkal paskatījās uz Tomu.
Run over your part again before the rehearsal.
Pirms mēģinājuma vēlreiz pārskrien pāri savai daļai.
I have reason to think that we'll never see Tom again.
Man ir iemesls domāt, ka mēs nekad vairs neredzēsim Tomu.
Tom wants to be happy again.
Toms atkal vēlas būt laimīgs.
And then he started kissing me again.
Un tad viņš atkal sāka mani skūpstīt.
I'm looking forward to meet Tom again.
Ar nepacietību gaidu atkal tikšanos ar Tomu.
Just do it right away or don't even bother talking to me again.
Vienkārši dariet to uzreiz vai pat neuztraucieties ar mani vēlreiz runāt.
Tom seems to have nothing to do again.
Šķiet, ka Tomam vairs nav ko darīt.
After the holidays, I'll probably need to go on a diet again.
Pēc brīvdienām man droši vien atkal vajadzēs iet uz diētu.
The date today is 100.100.100. This won't happen again this century.
Datums šodien ir 100.100.100. Šajā gadsimtā tas vairs neatkārtosies.
I'm sort of glad it's you and not him telling me; I couldn't bear to see that man again.
Es priecājos, ka tu un ne viņš man saki; Es nevarēju izturēt, ka atkal redzu šo vīrieti.
"They're all the same!" "Come on, Styopa! Looks like you've never had sex!" "Professor, I have no time for it!" "You sucker, it's a great pleasure." "Professor, I want to go with you!" "Yeah say that again! You're gonna suck just like always." "Yes, you're right".
"Viņi visi ir vienādi!" "Nāc, Stjopa! Šķiet, ka jums nekad nav bijis seksa!" "Profesor, man tam nav laika!" "Tu sūcējs, tas ir liels prieks." "Profesor, es gribu iet ar jums!" "Jā, saki to vēlreiz! Tu sūksi tāpat kā vienmēr." "Jā, tev taisnība".
I can't wait to see you guys again in March!
Es nevaru sagaidīt, kad jūs atkal redzēsim martā!
"Hello." "..." "Are you on guard duty again today?" "Yes." "You don't talk much, right?" "No. ...Listen, I am a samurai. People expect noble reservation and iron self-discipline of me. That just leaves no room for small talk..."
"Sveiki." "..." "Vai jūs šodien atkal pildāt apsardzes pienākumus?" "Jā." "Tu daudz nerunā, vai ne?" "Nē. ...Klausies, es esmu samurajs. Cilvēki sagaida no manis cēlu atrunu un dzelžainu pašdisciplīnu. Tas vienkārši neatstāj vietu mazām sarunām..."
Never speak to me again!
Nekad vairs nerunā ar mani!
I warn you against doing that again, or you'll be fined.
Es brīdinu jūs to nedarīt vēlreiz, pretējā gadījumā jums tiks uzlikts naudas sods.
I'll overlook it this time, but don't let it happen again.
Šoreiz es to neievērošu, bet neļaujiet tam atkārtoties.
Attention! Your new password and confirmation password do not match. Please confirm and try again.
Uzmanību! Jūsu jaunā parole un apstiprinājuma parole nesakrīt. Lūdzu, apstipriniet un mēģiniet vēlreiz.
I'll never go there again.
Es nekad vairs tur neiešu.
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