Time has come to admit that hard work and hope are no substitute for actual knowledge.
Ir pienācis laiks atzīt, ka smags darbs un cerība neaizstāj faktiskās zināšanas.
Our college won't admit Tom until he meets all the requirements.
Mūsu koledža neuzņems Tomu, kamēr viņš neatbildīs visām prasībām.
Tom's pride won't let him admit he's wrong.
Toma lepnums neļaus viņam atzīt, ka kļūdās.
It's pointless. However much we try, we won't succeed. Now admit it.
Tas ir bezjēdzīgi. Lai cik daudz mēs censtos, mums tas neizdosies. Tagad atzīstiet to.
I should admit that I started to feel sick.
Jāatzīst, ka sāku justies slikti.
Even Tom's enemies admit he's a just man.
Pat Toma ienaidnieki atzīst, ka viņš ir taisnīgs cilvēks.
We finally forced Tom to admit it.
Beidzot piespiedām Tomu to atzīt.
You are not even man enough to admit your fault.
Jūs pat neesat pietiekami vīrietis, lai atzītu savu vainu.
I admit nothing.
Es neko neatzīstu.
We should admit to ourselves that this sentence is just ill-made.
Mums vajadzētu sev atzīt, ka šis teikums ir vienkārši slikti izpildīts.
Tom just didn't want to admit that he'd been wrong.
Toms vienkārši negribēja atzīt, ka ir kļūdījies.
We have to admit that our team is inferior to that of the American one.
Jāatzīst, ka mūsu komanda ir zemāka par amerikāņu komandu.
Tom didn't even have the decency to admit he was wrong.
Tomam pat nebija pieklājības atzīt, ka viņš kļūdījās.
I admit that I was wrong.
Pieļauju, ka kļūdījos.
The forward of his command should learn to admit defeats.
Viņa pavēlniecības priekšniekam jāiemācās atzīt sakāves.
Tom didn't have the courage to admit that he had made a mistake.
Tomam nepietika drosmes atzīt, ka ir pieļāvis kļūdu.
Tom had to admit that Mary was right.
Tomam bija jāatzīst, ka Marijai bija taisnība.
Tom didn't have the courage to admit his mistake.
Tomam nepietika drosmes atzīt savu kļūdu.
Most people will refuse to admit they've made a mistake.
Lielākā daļa cilvēku atteiksies atzīt, ka ir pieļāvuši kļūdu.
I admit, I'm not the tidiest person in the world.
atzīstu, neesmu pats kārtīgākais cilvēks pasaulē.
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