The flight attendant accidentally spilled some hot coffee on Tom.
Stjuarte nejauši uzlēja Tomam karstu kafiju.
This discovery was made accidentally.
Šis atklājums tika veikts nejauši.
I dropped the plate accidentally.
Es nejauši nometu šķīvi.
During a walk in the park she accidentally met her old friend.
Pastaigas laikā parkā viņa nejauši satika savu veco draugu.
Tom accidentally ate some rat poison.
Toms nejauši apēda žurku indi.
I accidentally mistakenly took his umbrella.
Es nejauši kļūdaini paņēmu viņa lietussargu.
Tom apologized to Mary for accidentally stepping on her foot.
Toms atvainojās Marijai par nejaušu uzkāpšanu uz viņas kājas.
It's so easy to write good example sentences, that even if we accidentally delete a few good sentences in the process of getting rid of a whole lot of bad ones, I think we could drastically improve the quality of this corpus by doing a lot of deleting.
Ir tik viegli uzrakstīt labus teikumu piemērus, ka pat tad, ja mēs nejauši izdzēšam dažus labus teikumus, atbrīvojoties no daudziem sliktiem, es domāju, ka mēs varētu krasi uzlabot šī korpusa kvalitāti, veicot daudz dzēšanas.
A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagonload of wheat on the road.
Lauku zēns uz ceļa nejauši apgāza savu vagonu ar kviešiem.
Willie accidentally let off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
Villijs nejauši atlaida tēva bisi un izveidoja caurumu sienā.