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IPA : /ebəl/
I'm glad Tom was able to see you while you were in Boston.
Priecājos, ka Toms varēja tevi redzēt, kamēr tu biji Bostonā.
I won't be able to remit the balance until the first of the month.
Līdz mēneša pirmajam es nevarēšu pārskaitīt atlikumu.
We haven't been able to get anyone to replace Tom.
Mēs neesam spējuši nevienu aizstāt Tomu.
We haven't been able to do all we planned.
Mēs neesam spējuši paveikt visu, ko plānojām.
I won't be able to eat all that by myself.
Es pats to visu nevarēšu apēst.
No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to do it.
Lai kā tu censtos, tu to nespēsi izdarīt.
Being able to make onself understood in English is vastly different from mastering the language perfectly.
Spēja padarīt sevi saprotamu angļu valodā ievērojami atšķiras no valodas perfektas apguves.
"We haven't seen each other in a long time, Tom! Have you put on a little weight?" "Yes, lately I haven't been able to get myself to move around at all."
"Mēs neesam redzējuši viens otru ilgu laiku, Tom! Vai esat nedaudz pieņēmies svarā?" "Jā, pēdējā laikā es nemaz neesmu varējis piespiest sevi pārvietoties."
There is a vast difference between being able to make oneself understood in English and mastering the English language perfectly.
Pastāv liela atšķirība starp spēju saprast sevi angļu valodā un perfektu angļu valodas apguvi.
If Tom had been speaking French, I would have been able to understand him.
Ja Toms būtu runājis franču valodā, es būtu varējis viņu saprast.
I'm afraid I won't be able to have lunch with you today.
Baidos, ka šodien nevarēšu ar tevi pusdienot.
It's a pleasure to be able to help you.
Prieks, ka varu jums palīdzēt.
How old must a child be to be able to stay at home alone?
Cik vecam ir jābūt bērnam, lai viņš varētu palikt mājās viens?
Tom has never been able to keep up with the other students.
Toms nekad nav spējis sekot līdzi citiem studentiem.
In contrast with you, I am able to recognize my mistakes.
Pretstatā jums es spēju atpazīt savas kļūdas.
He isn't able to understand it.
Viņš to nespēj saprast.
He has recovered completely and is now able to work again.
Viņš ir pilnībā atveseļojies un tagad atkal spēj strādāt.
I wasn't able to find what I was looking for.
Es nevarēju atrast to, ko meklēju.
I finally was able to find out where Tom lives.
Beidzot varēju noskaidrot, kur dzīvo Toms.
He must be able to pass the exam since he has the capacity.
Viņam jāspēj nokārtot eksāmenu, jo viņam ir kapacitāte.
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