Meaning & Definition of word "Vermin"
- 1. Commonly known as pests or undesirable animals, especially those that are harmful to crops, livestock, or human health.
- Example: The farmer took measures to control the population of vermin that were eating his crops.
- 2. A term often used to describe small animals such as rats, mice, or insects that are considered bothersome or harmful.
- Example: The city implemented a plan to address the issues caused by vermin in the urban areas.
- 3. Figuratively, it can also refer to people who are considered despicable or vile.
- Example: He described the corrupt officials as vermin that should be removed from power.
From Middle English 'vermin', from Old French 'vermine', from Latin 'vermis' meaning 'worm'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
rat vermin:
Refers specifically to rats considered as pests.
vermin control:
The act of managing or exterminating pests.
Describing a place that is overrun with pests.
Related Words
An insect or animal that is harmful to crops or livestock.
A small gnawing mammal such as a rat or mouse.
The presence of an unusually large number of pests.
Slang Meanings of vermin
Meaning: Someone who behaves in a despicable manner.
Example Sentence: That guy is such a vermin, always looking to cheat people.
Meaning: A derogatory term for a poorly behaved child.
Example Sentence: Those little vermin just won't stop making noise.