Meaning & Definition of word "Snapshot"






    • 1. A snapshot is a photograph taken quickly, often without formal posing.
      • Example: I took a quick snapshot of the sunset while driving.
    • 2. An informal or brief summary or report about a situation.
      • Example: The report provided a snapshot of the company's financial health.
    • 3. A representation or overview of a certain moment or aspect.
      • Example: Her article gave a snapshot of life in the 1980s.


    • 1. To take a quick photograph of something.
      • Example: I decided to snapshot the beautiful garden for my album.
    • 2. To capture a brief moment or piece of information.
      • Example: She wanted to snapshot the conversation for her notes.


    The term 'snapshot' originated in the early 19th century from 'snap', meaning to take a quick shot, and 'shot', used in the sense of a photographic image.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    snapshot in time:

    A moment captured or described that reflects a particular period.

    take a snapshot:

    To quickly capture a moment or image.

    snapshot judgment:

    A quick assessment or opinion formed without thorough analysis.

    Related Words


    An image created by light falling on a photosensitive surface.


    A device for capturing images electronically or chemically.

    Slang Meanings of snapshot

    Meaning: A quick or rough estimate of a situation.

    Example Sentence: Can you give me a snapshot of how the project is going?

    Meaning: An informal or basic photo taken on a phone.

    Example Sentence: I just took a quick snapshot of my lunch for Instagram.