Meaning & Definition of word "Rabbit"






    • 1. A small, burrowing mammal with long ears, long hind legs, and a short fluffy tail, known for its fast reproductive rate.
      • Example: The rabbit quickly hopped across the meadow.
    • 2. A person who is timid or fearful.
      • Example: He acted like a rabbit when it came to speaking in public.
    • 3. A type of small animal often kept as a pet or used in scientific research.
      • Example: My sister has a pet rabbit that she takes care of every day.


    • 1. To engage in the act of hunting or trapping rabbits.
      • Example: They plan to rabbit in the forest this weekend.


    From Middle English 'rabit', likely of uncertain origin.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    rabbit hole:

    A situation or place that is complex and difficult to navigate, often leading to unexpected issues.

    to rabbit on:

    To talk incessantly or annoyingly.

    a scaredy-cat:

    Someone who is fearful, akin to a timid rabbit.

    Related Words


    A fast-running, long-eared mammal, similar to a rabbit but typically larger.


    A colloquial term for a rabbit, often used in a cute or affectionate context.


    A fold of loose skin under the chin of a rabbit.

    Slang Meanings of rabbit

    Meaning: To rabbit

    Example Sentence: He rabbits when he's nervous, talking a mile a minute.

    Meaning: Rabbiting

    Example Sentence: She's always rabbiting on about her hobbies.