

Meaning & Definition

the probability or chance that something will happen
There is a high likelihood of rain this evening.
the state of being likely; probability
The likelihood of winning the lottery is very low.
something that is probable or likely to happen
In all likelihood, she will accept the job offer.
the degree of probability of an event occurring
The likelihood of a successful outcome depends on various factors.


From Middle English liklihod, derived from like + -lihood, suggesting the quality of being likely.

Common Phrases and Expressions

in all likelihood:
Very likely to happen.
likelihood of success:
The chance that a certain action will yield positive results.
slim likelihood:
A very small chance that something will occur.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

The odds
What are the odds that you'll win the game?
Long shot
It’s a long shot, but I’m going to apply for that job.