Meaning & Definition of word "Coattail"






    • 1. The lower part of a coat that hangs down, often used in reference to the tails of a formal coat.
      • Example: He adjusted the coattails of his tuxedo before stepping onto the stage.
    • 2. Figuratively, the support or influence of someone successful that allows another person to gain advantages.
      • Example: She was elected to Congress while riding the coattails of the popular presidential candidate.
    • 3. A metaphor used in politics where lesser-known candidates benefit from the popularity of a leading candidate.
      • Example: Several local candidates hope to ride the coattails of the gubernatorial candidate’s campaign.


    Derived from the term 'coat tail', referring to the flap of a tailored coat.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    riding someone's coattails:

    To benefit from someone else's success.

    Related Words


    The elongated rear part of an object.


    A piece of material attached at one side, hanging loosely.

    Slang Meanings of coattail

    Meaning: To ride the coattails of someone

    Example Sentence: He's just coattailing on her fame and doesn't have any talent of his own.