Meaning & Definition of word "Circumscribed"






    • 1. To draw a line around; to enclose within bounds.
      • Example: The architect circumscribed the area where the new building would be constructed.
    • 2. To limit the extent or activity of something.
      • Example: The new regulations circumscribed the freedom of companies to operate without oversight.
    • 3. To restrict something to a particular area or scope.
      • Example: Her interests were circumscribed to science and technology, sidelining other fields.


    • 1. Restricted within limits; confined to a particular area or scope.
      • Example: The research was circumscribed by a limited budget, preventing any broader studies.
    • 2. Surrounded or limited by boundaries.
      • Example: The town was circumscribed by mountains, isolating it from neighboring regions.
    • 3. Defined and limited in scope or effect.
      • Example: Their conversation was circumscribed to only professional topics, avoiding personal matters.


    Latin 'circumscribere' meaning 'to draw a line around'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    circumscribed space:

    A space that is limited or confined within boundaries.

    circumscribed authority:

    Authority that is restricted or limited.

    Related Words


    The act of limiting or restricting.


    Careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences.

    Slang Meanings of circumscribed