

Meaning & Definition

the time at which a person usually goes to bed.
Children should have a consistent bedtime for better sleep.
the prescribed or habitual time for going to bed.
Her bedtime is usually around 9 PM on school nights.
the time when one is supposed to go to bed.
The parents enforced a strict bedtime during the week.
the period of time leading up to going to bed.
His bedtime routine includes reading a book before sleeping.


Combination of 'bed' and 'time'; first known use in the late 19th century.

Common Phrases and Expressions

bedtime story:
A story read to children at bedtime.
bedtime routine:
A series of activities done before going to bed.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Hitting the sack
I’m so tired, I’m ready to hit the sack.
Catching some Z's
After the party, I just want to catch some Z's.