Meaning & Definition of word "Basal"
- 1. Relating to, or forming a base; fundamental.
- Example: The basal level of the organization requires attention to improve overall performance.
- 2. Situated at the base; especially of a body part.
- Example: The basal cell layer of the skin plays a crucial role in regeneration.
- 3. Pertaining to the base of a structure or to the lowest part.
- Example: The basal metabolic rate indicates the minimum energy expenditure necessary to maintain basic body functions.
- 4. In botany, referring to the part of a plant that is at or near the base, especially in reference to leaves or flowers.
- Example: The basal leaves of the plant provide essential nutrients to support its growth.
From New Latin 'bāsalis', from Latin 'basis', meaning base.
Common Phrases and Expressions
basal metabolism:
The minimum amount of energy required by the body at rest to maintain life.
basal rate:
The standard rate of something, often referring to hormonal levels.
basal ganglia:
A group of nuclei in the brain associated with motor control.
Related Words
The underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument, or process.
The lowest part or edge of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported.
Of or pertaining to the base or foundation.
Slang Meanings of basal
Meaning: Basic or standard level.
Example Sentence: That restaurant is just too basal for my tastes.
Meaning: Not impressive or lacking sophistication.
Example Sentence: Her outfit was pretty basal compared to the other attendees.