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Translation meaning & definition of the word "scold" into Japanese language






1. Someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault

  • scold
  • ,
  • scolder
  • ,
  • nag
  • ,
  • nagger
  • ,
  • common scold

1. 常に欠点を見つけて人を悩ませる人(特に女性)

  • 叱る
  • ,
  • 叱る人
  • ,
  • ナグ
  • ,
  • 狭くする
  • ,
  • 悪寒


1. Censure severely or angrily

  • "The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"
  • "The deputy ragged the prime minister"
  • "The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"
  • call on the carpet
  • ,
  • take to task
  • ,
  • rebuke
  • ,
  • rag
  • ,
  • trounce
  • ,
  • reproof
  • ,
  • lecture
  • ,
  • reprimand
  • ,
  • jaw
  • ,
  • dress down
  • ,
  • call down
  • ,
  • scold
  • ,
  • chide
  • ,
  • berate
  • ,
  • bawl out
  • ,
  • remonstrate
  • ,
  • chew out
  • ,
  • chew up
  • ,
  • have words
  • ,
  • lambaste
  • ,
  • lambast

1. 厳しくも怒っても非難しなさい

  • "「母親は見知らぬ人の車に乗り込んだ子供を叱った」"
  • "「副大統領は首相を怒らせた」"
  • "「顧客は冷たいスープを持ってくるためにウェイターに服を着せました」"
  • カーペットを呼びます
  • ,
  • 取っちめる
  • ,
  • 叱責
  • ,
  • ラグ
  • ,
  • 倒す
  • ,
  • 譴責
  • ,
  • 講義
  • ,
  • ,
  • 飾り立てる
  • ,
  • 呼び下げる
  • ,
  • 叱る
  • ,
  • 窘める
  • ,
  • 誹謗
  • ,
  • 吹き消す
  • ,
  • 諫める
  • ,
  • 噛み付く
  • ,
  • 噛み砕く
  • ,
  • 言葉がある
  • ,
  • ランバステ
  • ,
  • 扱き下ろす

2. Show one's unhappiness or critical attitude

  • "He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong"
  • "We grumbled about the increased work load"
  • grouch
  • ,
  • grumble
  • ,
  • scold

2. 自分の不幸や批判的な態度を見せてください

  • "「彼は間違っていると思ったことを何でも叱った」"
  • "「作業負荷の増加について不平を言いました」"
  • グラウチ
  • ,
  • 怨言
  • ,
  • 叱る

Examples of using

Whenever I come home late at night, my parents scold me and it annoys me. No matter how late I come back, they're awake and waiting for me. It would be so nice if they just went to sleep instead.
When I was very young, my father died. His younger brother, due to the vicissitudes of the times and to his own laziness, dissipated his own fortune and afterwards became a peddler of writing materials. He often came to our house, but when he came, my mother would scold him and he would be troubled.
If I scold you, it is that I want you to improve.