

Meaning & Definition

In a manner that is not smooth or even; in a coarse or uneven way.
The surface of the table was roughly hewn from a large piece of wood.
Approximately; not exactly.
There were roughly fifty people at the event.
In a harsh or severe manner.
He spoke roughly to the children, not realizing they were sensitive.
In a vigorous or forceful manner.
The sea was roughly choppy during the storm.


Middle English, from Old English 'ruh, 'rough' + -ly (adverbial suffix).

Common Phrases and Expressions

roughly speaking:
In general or in broad terms.
rough around the edges:
Incomplete or needing refinement.
rough estimate:
An approximate figure that may not be precise.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Used to indicate a general idea without specifics.
It's roughly a thousand bucks, give or take.
Indicating a lack of care or gentleness.
He handled the package roughly and it broke.