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Translation meaning & definition of the word "promote" into Japanese language






1. Contribute to the progress or growth of

  • "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
  • promote
  • ,
  • advance
  • ,
  • boost
  • ,
  • further
  • ,
  • encourage

1. の進歩または成長に貢献します

  • "「教室でのパソコン利用を推進しています」"
  • 促進する
  • ,
  • 前進
  • ,
  • 高める
  • ,
  • さらに
  • ,
  • 励ます

2. Give a promotion to or assign to a higher position

  • "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"
  • "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"
  • "I got promoted after many years of hard work"
  • promote
  • ,
  • upgrade
  • ,
  • advance
  • ,
  • kick upstairs
  • ,
  • raise
  • ,
  • elevate

2. 上位のポジションに昇格または割り当てます

  • "「ジョンは後任が雇われたときに2階に蹴られた」"
  • "「女性は大手法律事務所で昇進しない傾向がある」"
  • "「私は長年の努力の末に昇進した」"
  • 促進する
  • ,
  • アップグレード
  • ,
  • 前進
  • ,
  • キックアップ
  • ,
  • 上げる

3. Make publicity for

  • Try to sell (a product)
  • "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"
  • "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"
  • advertise
  • ,
  • advertize
  • ,
  • promote
  • ,
  • push

3. 宣伝する

  • (製品)を販売してみてください
  • "「セールスマンは新しいコンピュータモデルを積極的に推進しています」"
  • "「同社は新しいラップトップを大々的に宣伝している」"
  • 広告する
  • ,
  • 促進する
  • ,
  • 押し付ける

4. Be changed for a superior chess or checker piece

  • promote

4. 優れたチェスやチェッカーピースに変更してください

  • 促進する

5. Change a pawn for a better piece by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it to the row closest to your opponent

  • promote

5. ポーンを 8 行目に進めてより良いピースに変更するか、対戦相手に最も近い行に移動してチェッカーピースをより価値のあるピースに変更します

  • 促進する

Examples of using

They implemented a communication policy so as to promote their new concept.
This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubt and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes,
We must promote sales.