Meaning & Definition of word "Pacifist"






    • 1. A person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable and who advocates for peaceful resolutions to conflicts.
      • Example: As a pacifist, she dedicated her life to promoting non-violent protest and peaceful negotiations.
    • 2. A person who opposes the use of force under any circumstances.
      • Example: His strong pacifist beliefs made it difficult for him to support military intervention.
    • 3. An advocate or supporter of pacifism.
      • Example: The organization was made up of committed pacifists who sought to eliminate all forms of violence.


    • 1. Relating to or characterized by pacifism; advocating or promoting peaceful resolution over conflict.
      • Example: The pacifist approach to diplomacy is often more effective in achieving long-term peace.
    • 2. Opposed to war or violence.
      • Example: His pacifist ideals guided his actions during the protest.


    From the Latin 'pacificus', meaning peaceful, and the suffix '-ist' to denote a person who practices or advocates for that quality.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    make peace:

    To bring about a resolution to conflict or hostility.

    peaceful protest:

    Demonstrations conducted without violence.

    turn the other cheek:

    To respond to aggression by remaining peaceful and not retaliating.

    Related Words


    The practice of rejecting violence in the pursuit of social or political change.


    A state of tranquility or quietness; the absence of disturbance.


    A person engaged or experienced in warfare.

    Slang Meanings of pacifist

    Meaning: Flower child

    Example Sentence: Back in the 60s, many flower children were known for their pacifist beliefs.

    Meaning: Tree hugger

    Example Sentence: Some people see pacifists as tree huggers, focusing on environmental peace.