

Meaning & Definition

The hard, tough covering on the feet of certain animals, such as horses, cows, and deer.
The horse's hoof was well cared for, showing no signs of cracks or injury.
The entire foot of an animal that has hooves.
The deer tracks were clear, indicating the size of the hoof.
To walk or run with the feet, especially in a manner indicating heavy, clumsy movement.
The cattle hoofed it across the pasture in search of food.
To kick or strike with a hoof.
The horse hoofed the ground impatiently while waiting to be fed.


Old English hufu, related to Dutch hoef and German Huf.

Common Phrases and Expressions

hoof it:
to walk or run quickly.
on one's hooves:
to be standing up on one's feet, usually in a restless or active state.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To leave quickly.
I need to hoof it to the train station before I miss my train.
To use the feet energetically, especially when dancing.
She really knows how to hoof it on the dance floor.